A Book I Would Love to Write

A Book I Would Love To Write

I have often thought of traveling around the world to foreign lands to experience their culture and cuisine. I would travel to Greece and sample their legendary seafood and vegetables. I would travel to Vietnam to taste authentic pho’. I would travel to Jamaica and investigate the best tasting jerked foods. I would ultimately visit all seven continents to see new landscapes, meet people that are different from myself, and taste their local cuisine.

 I fell in love with traveling as a young child. My parents and I would load up our luggage in the car and travel all over the U.S. We would also travel abroad when the opportunity was there. I think that it would be satisfying to write a cookbook that featured my stories as a world traveler and the foods that I tasted and also learned how to make. The cookbook would include photos of my journey around the world. My dream would be to meet local inhabitants in the area that I travel in, get to know them, and let them know of my intentions with cooking, touring, book writing, etc…, I would also seek out cooking lessons from local connections that I create.

With the profits of the book, I would dedicate a portion of the proceeds to help out the families and communities that allowed me to spend time with them and educated me about their lifestyles. I would also create an educational program that focused on all of the core standards of Family and Consumer Science Education. It would be economical, easy to implement, and fun for middle school students to take the opposite semester of their health and P.E. classes. Students would gain much needed life skills that they would use as they grow and develop into well rounded citizens.  American students desperately need this as I am finding more and more students that have now skills to help them sustain a healthy life.

I know that I would have the time of my life writing the cookbook. Just knowing that it will benefit others makes the work even more appealing. Who knows, I just might actually write this book.

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